Wednesday, 29 June 2016

How To Create a Virus That Disable All Hard Disks



This virus can permanently damage your computer so use it at your own risk, as we are not responsible for any damage occur. As this is only for knowledge and security purposes

How To Create a Virus That Disable All Hard Disks


First of all, click on start and type Notepad and then press enter.


Now copy the below code and paste in the notepad

CODE CREATED BY Vikas MyAiM is below in BoX

LATEST Virus Collection Download!!!



<>>>>>>>>>>>>>VIRUS COLLECTION<<<<<<<<<<


Nowadays, Virus are very useful (to destroy your enimies’ pc ) Download now there’s a tons of virus and don’t download if you are afraid of virus’s because ViRUS CAN DESTROYS EVERY SINGLE THING IN YOUR PC.

Link1.: PART-1

Link1.: PART-2

Link1.: PART-3

Thursday, 16 June 2016

turn your normal speech into rap song with this amazing app !!

Have you ever dreamed of being a rapper? Do you want to experience your performance now? With autorap Now you can experience your dream and trust that you will achieve what were not even imagined !!


Now you can with simple words to be rapper ;) and share your songs with your real voice also With full technical support from AutoRap application, which it will help you as entire studio works between your hands


All that what you want to do is choose the tune and tap on it from the list Then you will see this two options for your voice talk/rap


The first option, will turn the normal speech into rap song and The second option you will sing real rap song

its Beautiful and amazing application and it's used by beginners and professionals ,It may be your chance to be the first step into rap world, especially the rap has spread strongly in all countries now

Note: There are a lot of autorap applications... mostly does not work This is the original application and the best in the world and has no errors and be sure to download the real one from this link



Monday, 13 June 2016

Always Five (5)


Find a calculator or a pencil and paper. Ask your friend (or everyone in the room) to choose any number.

Example :43

Add the next highest number to it

43 + 44 = 87

Add 9

87 + 9 = 96

Divide by 2

96 / 2 = 48

Subtract your original number

48 - 43 = 5

Everyone's answer will always be 5 Try another number.

More Always Five

Choose any number between 1 and 99

Example :22

Multiply this number by 5

22 x 5 = 110

Add 25 to your product

110 + 25 = 135

Divide this number by 5

135 / 5 = 27

Subtract your original number

27 - 22 = 5

Everyone's answer will always be 5

One More Trick

Choose any number.

Double it.

Add 10 to it.

Now half the number.

Then subtract your first number.

The answer will be five.

Math Magic/Tricks

Math Magic/Tricks

Trick 1: Number below 10

Step1: Think of a number below 10.

Step2: Double the number you have thought.

Step3:Add 6 with the getting result.

Step4: Half the answer, that is divide it by 2.

Step5: Take away the number you have thought from the answer, that is, subtract the answer from the number you have thought.

Answer: 3

Trick 2: Any Number

Step1: Think of any number.

Step2: Subtract the number you have thought with 1.

Step3: Multiply the result with 3.

Step4: Add 12 with the result.

Step5: Divide the answer by 3.

Step6: Add 5 with the answer.

Step7: Take away the number you have thought from the answer, that is, subtract the answer from the number you have thought.

Answer: 8

Trick 3: Any Number

Step1: Think of any number.

Step2: Multiply the number you have thought with 3.

Step3: Add 45 with the result.

Step4: Double the result.

Step5: Divide the answer by 6.

Step6: Take away the number you have thought from the answer, that is, subtract the answer from the number you have thought.

Answer: 15

Trick 4: Same 3 Digit Number

Step1: Think of any 3 digit number, but each of the digits must be the same as. Ex: 333, 666.

Step2: Add up the digits.

Step3: Divide the 3 digit number with the digits added up.

Answer: 37

Trick 5: 2 Single Digit Numbers

Step1: Think of 2 single digit numbers.

Step2: Take any one of the number among them and double it.

Step3: Add 5 with the result.

Step4: Multiply the result with 5.

Step5: Add the second number to the answer.

Step6: Subtract the answer with 4.

Step7: Subtract the answer again with 21.

Answer: 2 Single Digit Numbers.

Trick 6: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8

Step1: Choose a number from 1 to 6.

Step2: Multiply the number with 9.

Step3: Multiply the result with 111.

Step4: Multiply the result by 1001.

Step5: Divide the answer by 7.

Answer: All the above numbers will be present.

Trick 7: 1089

Step1: Think of a 3 digit number.

Step2: Arrange the number in descending order.

Step3: Reverse the number and subtract it with the result.

Step4: Remember it and reverse the answer mentally.

Step5: Add it with the result, you have got.

Answer: 1089

Trick 8: x7x11x13

Step1: Think of a 3 digit number.

Step2: Multiply it with x7x11x13.Ex: Number: 456,

Answer: 456456

Trick 9: x3x7x13x37

Step1: Think of a 2 digit number.

Step2: Multiply it with x3x7x13x37. Ex: Number: 45,

Answer: 454545

Trick 10: 9091

Step1: Think of a 5 digit number.

Step2: Multiply it with 11.

Step3: Multiply it with 9091. Ex: Number: 12345,


Card Trick =_4

Walk around the classroom and have students pick one card each from the deck. Ask them to be sure that no one sees their card.

Have them perform the following mathematical operations:

1. Write the face value of the card that you selected on a piece of paper.

The aces and face cards have the following values:

Ace = 1, J = 11, Q = 12 K = 13.

2. Double the face value.

3. Add 3.

4. Multiply by 5.

5. If the card you selected is a club, add 1; a heart, add 3;

a diamond, add 2; or a spade, add 4.

6. Now tell me your answer and I will show you the card that you selected.

For the most dramatic results, have an oversized deck of cards (7" x 4.5"), ordered by suit and value, for yourself. After completing the mental calculations listed below, you instantly determine the card any student selected and then pull it out of your deck.

By mentally subtracting 15 from the final answer your student gives you, your two or three digit answer tells you the face value and the suit of the card.

The digit(s) in the tens and hundreds place(s) tells you the face value of the card; you will have a number in the hundreds place only when the card's face value is a ten, or a face card.

The ones digit tells you the suit of the card. A one in the ones place means that the suit of the card is a club, a two indicates a diamond, a three indicates a heart, and a four indicates a spade.

I order my demonstartion deck with the clubs on top, then diamonds, then hearts, then spades -- Then I don't have to memorize how the suits were ordered.

Why does this work?

1.Write the face value of the card that you selected on a piece of paper.

Let c = value of the face card.

2. Double the face value.

Then you get 2c.

3. Add 3.

Then you get 2c + 3.

4. Multiply by 5. Then you get 10c + 15.

5. If the card you selected is a club, add 1; a heart, add 3;

a diamond, add 2; or a spade, add 4.

Let s = suit, so you now have 10c + 15 + s.

6.Now tell me your answer and I will show you the card that you selected.

Subtract 15 to get 10c + s.

The face value is in the tens place and the suit is in the units place.

Card trick =_3

Vikas MyAiM proposed the following problem:

Say you are sitting in a dark room, where you are handed a deck of 52 cards. Ten of those cards have been turned facing up; the rest are facing down. Your job is to separate the cards into two stacks, each containing the same number of cards facing up.

Is it possible to do this? Marilyn vos Savant answered the question: "Yes, just deal yourself 10 cards and turn all of them over! Try it and see, readers."

Mike Ecker explains: Say that N of the 10 cards that make up the second pile are already facing up before you turn the pile over. Then the other 10-N cards in this same pile are face down. Moreover, the first pile still has 10-N cards face up.

By now reversing the 10 cards you have dealt yourself, instead of N up and 10-N down, you now have 10-N face up -- matching the 10-N face up in the first pile. Very clever and totally independent of where the 10 cards lie!

Card trick =_2

Jim Steinmeyer is one of the nation's most creative inventors of magic tricks. A few years ago he invented a marvelous mathematical trick. Known as the Steinmeyer nine-card trick, it has since been given many clever means of doing it by other magicians.

Here is one of the simplest:

Take any nine cards from a standard 52-card deck and deal the nine cards into three piles of cards each. Pick up any pile and remember its bottom card. Drop this pile on top of one of the others, and these six on top of the last pile. The cards remain down throughout.

Hold the nine cards down and spell the value of the chosen card by dealing one card down to the table for each letter. So, if the card chosen is the Queen of Spades, spell Q U E E N and drop the remaining cards on top.

Pick up the packet and spell O F. As before, drop the rest of the cards on top. Pick up the packet and spell the suit of the card you selected: S P A D E S. Drop the rest of the packet on top.

The position of the chosen card should now be at a random spot because card names spell out with as few as 10 letters up to as many as 15. So, now spell M A G I C and turn over this last card. Believe it or not, this will always be the selected card!

Card trick =_1

Take a deck of cards facing up and count off from whatever the first card is until you say "king." (for example, if a seven is the top card, you would say 7-8-9-10-J-Q-K).

Take these cards and lay them face down and start over with another stack

(In the example above, make certain that the 7 is on top).

Do this until all the cards (52) are used up.

If there are any left (where you could not count to King), hold these in your hand.

Then pick up all but 3 stacks and add those cards to the ones that are in your hand.

Now with the three stacks facedown on the table turn the over top card on two of the stacks.

Add the face value of those two cards together. (J=11 Q=12 K=13)

Count off this total from the cards you are holding.

Then count off 10 more.

The total of cards left in your hand is the exact same as the top card on the third stack.

Your age by eating out!

Don't tell me your age; you probably would tell a falsehood anyway -- but your waiter may know!

Here's how to find your age using some Dining and Restaurant Math!

1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to go out to eat. (more than once but less than 10)

2. Multiply this number by 2 (just to be bold)

3. Add 5

4. Multiply it by 50

5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1757 .... If you haven't, add 1756.

6. If the current year is not 2007, you must add one for each year past 2007.

7. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.

You should have a three digit number

The first digit of this was your original number

(i.e., how many times you want to go out to restaurants in a week.)

The next two digits are

YOUR AGE! (Oh, yes, it is!)

Twenty Objects Trick

1. Place 20 objects on the overhead.

2. Have a student remove any number of items from 1 to 10.

3. The items that remain will be a two-digit number.

4. Have a student find the sum of these two digits and remove that many more items from the projector.

5. Have a student give you some of the remaining objects.

6. You should subtract that number from 9 and tell her how many objects she has in her hand.

Why does this work?

After removing 1 to 10 items from the 20 objects you started with, you will have a number from 10 to 19.

When you add the 2 digits together and subtract from the number 10 to 19, you will always get 9.

So, when your student gives you some of the items remaining, you need only to subtract from 9 to find how many items she has.

The Dictionary Trick

This is my favorite trick. A student of mine from Herndon High School in Fairfax County, Virginia showed this to me in the late 1960s, and I used it nearly every year after that until I retired in 2006.Ask a student to pick a three digit number (where the first and last digits are different).

Then have the student reverse the digits and subtract the two numbers.

Give the student a dictionary, and have her look up the fifth word on the page corresponding to her last calculation. There are only nine words in the dictionary that your student could have chosen.

It is at this point that you will need a clue. Ask the student to give you the first letter of the word.

Now, go to the page number in the following list which has words beginning with the letter the student told you: page 99, page 198, page 297, page 396, page 495, page 594, page 693, page 792, or page 891.

Count down to the fifth word on that page and you have found the word.

It is more impressive if you memorize the nine words on the above pages.

When I showed this trick to Ray Frantz, an English teacher at Handley High School, he added another feature to the trick. One of us would bring his class down to the other teacher's room. I would go outside the room and a student would volunteer to go with me and make sure that I wasn't listening to what was going on in the room. Then the students would choose the number and select the word. Then I would come back in the room and guess the word.

Since Mr. Frantz was in the room when the word was chosen, and the only clue I needed was the initial letter of the word, he would "send me the clue" by making a statement when I reentered the room. The first letter of the third word would be the letter that I needed to know. For example, he would say, "Mr. Pleacher, come in and show us how this is done" when the word started with a c; or he would say, "The students don't believe that you can do this" when the word started with a d.

Remember that you can only use this trick a few times before it starts to repeat, since there are only nine pages that the word will fall on.

Why does this work?

The difference between the original three-digit number and the number with its digits reversed is always a multiple of nine -- in fact, the middle digit must be a nine (you must always borrow in doing the subtraction) and the sum of the digits is always eighteen.

So, the only possible answers after the student has done the subtraction are: 99, 198, 297, 396, 495, 594, 693, 792, and 891.

As long as you don't choose an unabridged dictionary, each of the page numbers above will be found under a different letter.

Phone Number Trick

1. Get a calculator. (You won't be able to do this one in your head)

2. Key in the first three digits of your phone number (NOT the area code)

3. Multiply by 80

4. Add 1

5. Multiply by 250

6. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number

7. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number again.

8. Subtract 250

9. Divide number by 2

Do you recognize the answer?


Let x= 1st three digits of phone number

let y= last 4 digits of phone number



80x + 1

250(80x + 1) = 20000x + 250

20000x + 250 + y

20000x + 250 + 2y

20000x + 2y

10000x + y

This last step shows why you get your phone number back. x (which represents your first three digits of your phone number) is multiplied by 10000, which just moves it over 4 places and then y is put in the four places on the right.


Calculate 65% of 460:

50% of 460 = 230

10% of 460 = 46

5% of 460 = 23 (half 46)


65% of 460 = 299 (sum)


Calculate 67.5% of 460:

50% of 460 = 230

10% of 460 = 46

5% of 460 = 23 (half 46)

2.5% of 460 =11.5 (half 23)


67.5% of 460 = 310.5 (sum )


Let me explain this rule by taking examples

1. 352*11 = 3---(3+5)---(5+2)---2 = 3872 Means insert the sum of first and second digits, then sum of second and third digits between the two terminal digits of the number

2. 213*11 = 2---(2+1)---(1+3)---3 = 2343


Here an extra case arises

Consider the following examples for that

1) 329*11 = 3--- (3+2) +1--- (2+9-10) ---9 = 3619 Means, if sum of two digits of the number is greater than 10, then add 1 to previous digit and subtract 10 to the associated digit.

2) 758*11 = 7+1---(7+5-10)+1---(5+8-10)---8 = 8338

Sunday, 12 June 2016

HOW TO HACK SOMEONE IP ADDRESS (imp for every one)

How To Hack Someone Ip Address


1. Copy the below codes into Notepad and save it as Grab.php (.php is must)

2. Now make Free account on any of the free web hosting sites on Ripway or on My3gb . (Or in any free web hostings you know)

3. Now Upload Grab.php to your web hosting site.

4. Copy the link of your uploaded file and send it to victim.

5. As soon as victim will click on your link his ip will be saved in your free web hosting site.

6. Enjoy you are Done !!


Today I will try to elaborate on how one may perhaps utilize the Bill Me Later service to card goods First some insight on what is Bill Me Later? Here are a few facts:

  • -Bill Me Later is a pay as you go (or as your target goes lol) method of paying for online goods by opening a new line of credit.
  • -It is similar to a credit card although no actual credit card is needed.
    • -Linked with PayPal this program uses the cardholders credit history to assess approval worthiness. (The richer the vicitm the better)
    • -Their service site offers a list of sites where one may use Bill Me Later instead of a credit card.

Now for the actual practice. As mentioned in the listing, this technique is not 100% guaranteed by any means, but with enough effort & common sense, it just may be possible to turn this into a gold mine.

Ok so first things first you will obviously need some tools to start the carding process, unless you like LE rats on your trail.

These tools include

  • A laptop
  • Fake E-mail id
  • A VM Software (I reccommend Oracle VirtualBox) coupled with a VM loaded onto it (Whonix Gateway> Whonix Workstation reccommmended)
  • TruCrypt encryption software
  • VPN of your choice
  • Wine for loading windows apps on linux Vip72 Socks client or similar Keyscrambler
  • A target (preferably high credit score one) & their SSN (obtainable for people 30 & over on DOB Address Phone & a credit report on them (optional)Once you have these things obtained you may proceed onward to the next steps:

Step One: Open virtual workstation & start up all your security measures

Step Two: Access a Socks5 proxy within the location of your target's city

Step Three: Use Tor & go to & sign up with target's info

Step Four: The target must be approved before able to open new line of credit. So wait for approval or if denied try another identity.

Step Five: Once you have an approved target, now the fun really starts (credit limit allowing)

Step Six: I reccommend once you get this far to take it slowly & not do anything too hastefully & greedily, so you might want to make small purchases to test the waters, then gradually build up to big stuff.

Step Seven: Rinse & repeat


Yet another recommendation: Try to find a BML site that sells those E-gift cards & has a no refund policy on them & buy those. Then stop, don't use them just yet, you want to sell them for what's next

After you've sold them (for bitcoins I hope & not real money) then go to a site called & buy some giftcards for bitcoins. They have a fairly decent selection including: Amazon, Kohl's Gamestop,etc.

You can then bulk load these gift cards into a real account like Amazon, which you can safely buy stuff since they were purchased with Bitcoins & not traceable money.

A bitcoin mixer can be used before buying from Gyft for a maximum paper trail severing.




1. Always clear your history and clean cookies and change mac address.

》 2. Always clear your flesh cookies.

》3. 3. Vpn is not good for carding now as most of the ip of vpn have been blacklisted by Good shops.

》 4. Always use socks5 which is live and not blacklisted.

》 5.5. you should match the ip of same state and city.

》 6. Always match the timezone of cc same state.

》7. 7. Always try to type the details of cc as many site now have script to check copy paste of cc details as most of the time carders copy paste the details of cc. Actual owner always type all details.

》 8. Get the maximum information of cc owner from background check sites there you can found DOB, MMN and sometimes SSN. Most of these sites are cardable with public cc.

》 9. If you want to be a pro carder than stop using free email sites as yahoo, gmail, aol etc.

》 10. Better solution is first card a domain and hosting and make a small site and then create a email of cc owner their of the same name on cc. you can also use free domain or sub domain sites but carding your host & domain is better. While carding domain and hosting you should use Amex cc as there is less chances of chargeback.

》 11. Check the cc live before using site not on checker as sometimes it kills cc. Find a most easy cardable site and make a bogus account and checkout for small amount like 2$ if it work then go to original site.

》 12. Always study the site carefully which you want to card and its seller. Most of the time seller who sell refurnished Mobiles etc are in hurry to ship the item. So search them.

》 13. When you card some big Items of a new account from site it is suspicious.

So you can make new a new account and leave it for some months after that card small items and always give good feedback. But the better way is to buy old accounts of the site with good feedback.

》 14. Always Use Skype ac with credit and call forwarding services. If you call the shop with the number of cc owner and ask customer care of site some help before filling cc details your chances of success or much higher. You should always use it if you want to card high value items.

》 15. Always Use Trusted drop of same country if you are carding a international Site. Because shipping to another country is always suspicious.

》 16. Always try to carding on Weekends as shops not able to contact and verify extra details from bank by calling them. You can also check closing time of bank and card after closing timing of bank.

》 17. Always Send a Email instantly to seller after order complete to ship order fast as you need it urgent as there is some function in your house.

》 18. Don't use a cc at Same Site from different Accounts.Use it at one account maximum 3-4 Times.

》 19. One of my friend Using a new trick he calls from the mobile number of cc owner with skype to the cc issuing bank that he is going to shop some goods and they should make the approval fast. I don't know the full trick and working on it you should also find your ways. If you succeed to convince cc issuing bank that you are original cc owner than you will rock with high amount purchase.

》 20. If you use the pp in carding then buy pp with email access and delete the order related emails from inbox and trash box of email.


Friday, 10 June 2016


picsart-06-09-03-44-27.jpgHere the list if there is any scam shop post here and i will mark it as scammer thanks ! Edit:Guyz plz if you have more shops, feel free to post comment




♡ 4.GOOD

♡ 5.Really GOOD


》 = Only us cc




》 = SCAM




》 = Reselling Cc On 6 -7 Different

》 Shop !





》 = SCAM

》 = SCAM

》 = SCAM

》 = SCAM






》 = SCAM










》 = SCAM


》 = SCAM

》 = SCAM

》 = SCAM

》 = SCAM



》 = SCAM






》 = Uniccshop


》 = Uniccshop


》 = SCAM


》 = SCAM

》 = SCAM



》 = SCAM



》 = SCAM









》 = SCAM

》 = SCAM

》 = SCAM

》 = SCAM







》 = SCAM











































》 = SCAM






》 = SCAM

》 = Uniccshop




》 1. Introduction to Ethical Hacking

》 2. IP Addresses

》 3. IP Enumeration and Tracing

》 4. IP Hiding and Bypassing Restrictions

》 5. Proxy Servers, VPNs and Proxy Bouncers

》 6. HTTP Tunnelling, Unblocking Websites and People Hacking

》 7. Network Reconnaissance & Information Gathering

》 8. Metasploit

》 9. Spoofing Attacks, Google Dorking and Website Enumeration.

》 10. Trojans, Keyloggers and Spyware Attacks

》 11. Mobile Phone Exploits

》 12. Password Cracking Attacks

》 13. Windows Vulnerabilities

》 14. Data Encryption, Data Hiding and Steganography

》 15. DOS Attacks

》 16. Distributed DOS Attacks

》 17. Web Attacks

》 18. Cookie Stealing and Session Hijacking

》 19. Phishing Attacks

》 20. Open Redirection Attacks

》 21. Cross Site Scripting Attacks

》 22. Data Sniffing

》 23. ARP Poisoning

》 24. SQL Injection

》 25. Advanced SQL Injection

》 26. 25 Attacks with Backtrack / Kali

》 27. Meterpreter & Post Exploitation Attacks

》 28. Advanced Meterpreter & Post Exploitation Attacks

》 29. Post Exploitation Scripts and Modules

》 30. Shell Attacks

》 31. Bind Shell Attacks

》 32. Reverse Shell Attacks

》 33. Wi-Fi Cracking

》 34. WEP Cracking

》 35. WPA Cracking

》 36. WPA2 Cracking

》 37. Computer Forensics & Honeypots

》 38. Social Engineering Toolkit Attacks

》 39. Kali Hacking

》 40. Advanced Kali Hacking


what is carding? And how hackers do carding? STEPS TO DO CARDING [ in Hindi ]

Carding Crime Hai ye aap apne risk me try kro ge iss me hm responsible nhi hai

Carding kya hai :-


Carding online frod hai iss me aap kisi bhi order ko buy kr sakte ho bina kisi bhi money use kiye ye trick 100% Working hai iss me aap 60000 ka product bhi buy kr sakte ho

Note:- phaile aap kum price oder ki bhi carding kr sakte ho

Requirements :-

1. Android Phone ( Rooted ) Note :- agar aap ke phone me root nhi hai to aap Google se kingroot Downlaod kr sakte ho


2. CC ( Working )Note:- cc mtlb hai Credit Card


3. droid Vpn Apk


4 Full Fat 3G/4G/ WiFi Net Note:- 2G se bhi kr sakte ho pr 3G/ 4G / WiFi se kro ge to better rhe ga


5. CC Matching Sock5


Sock5 kya hai ( Details me ) :- CC Matching Sock5 Bhout jruri hai kyoki jis Jge ga aap CC mila hai us Jge ka matching hi aap ko Sock5 leni hai Sock5 ek site hoti hai jo Aap ka ip address Ko chhupa leti hai jis se Carding krte time Product site valo ko ye pta na chl jaye ye frod hai or von aap ka cc block na ke de to aap ko Sock5 CC Matching leni hai .

Carding Steps :-

1) Sbse phaile aap kisi Trust Site Se CC Buy Kro

2) CC Se matching Sock5 buy kro Note:- Sock5 CC Matching honi chahiye

3) Ab Aap Apne phone ke Browser ka CLear Data kr

4) Ab Aap Droid Vpn kro or login kro

5) Droid Vpn Me login kr ke aap

Proxy Host = Sock5 Ka proxy dalo

Proxy Port = Sock5 ka port dalo

Proxy Type = Sock5 select kro

6) Ab Aap jo browser use kr rho us ko private mode me on kro or ek Gmail ya email bnao CC Owner ke name se Note:- vo hi name se email ya Gmail bnao jo CC let hue dala tha

7) Ab Aap me New Email New Amazon create kro Note:- usi email se kro jo Aap ne CC name se create ki thi

8) Ab vo products Cart me rkho jo Aap ko buy krna hai or 1 hrs ke liye amazon account logout kr do

9) 1 hrs bad aap aap Vaps Se Login kro

Note:- yad rhe ki Sock5 Proxy Connect krna na bhule

10) Ab Aap ne jo product cart me rkha hai us ko Select Karke Appna Name Aur Address dal do

11) Ab Aap PayMt Page me jakr CC select kro Ab CC Se paymt krte time vo aap se vaps CC address mange ge vha pr CC Lete time jo address dala tha vo dal do

↭Ξ﹏﹏Ξ﹏﹏Ξ﹏﹏ NOW DONE ﹏﹏Ξ﹏﹏Ξ﹏﹏Ξ↭ ENJOY


Imp Note= CARDING IS A CRIME SO DO IT WITH YOUR OWN RISK we are not carding on any site or not have responsible

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

10 Best Hacking Tools Used By Hackers and Pentesters...

10 Best Hacking Tools Used By Hackers and Pentesters


Hello Friends Popular and best hacking tools used by the hackers as well as pentesters for the purpose of hacking. Some tools are open source while some others are closed source.

Top Best Hacking Tools Used By Hackers and Pentesters This is the list of best hacking tools used by Hackers for hacking purpose.Concise Courses conducted a poll for the tools used by the hackers and in this post you will see some of these tools.

#1 Nmap

It is abbreviated as Network Mapper. It is free and popular open source hacker’s tool. It is primarily used for discovery and security auditing. It is being used by thousand’s of system administrators across the world for the purpose of network inventory, inspect open ports manage service upgrade, schedule as well as to inspect host or service up time. There are several advantages of using Network Mapper, one among its advantages is that, the admin user is able to monitor whether the network and associated nodes require patching.

#2 Acutenix Web Vulnerability Scanner

Acutenix Web Vulnerability Scanner automatically crawls your website and it automatically monitors your web applications and detects dangerous SQL injection. It also determines where applications needs to be secured, thus protecting your business from hackers.

#3 Metasploit

Metasploit Project is extremely famous hacking framework or pentesting. It is a bunch of hacking tools that are used to execute different tasks. This tool is primarlarly used by Cyber security professionals and ethical hackers. Metasploit is basically a computer security project or framework which gives the user necessary information about security vulnerabilities.

#4 Owasp Zed Attack Proxy Project

ZAP and is abbreviated as Zed Attack Proxy is among popular OWASP Projects. It is very powerful and easy to use tool that finds vulnerabilities in Web Applications. It is relatively popular tool because of its support and OWASP community. OWASP community is superb resource for those people that work within Cyber Security.

#5 Wireshark

Wireshark is actually network analyzer which permits the tester to capture packets transferring though the network and to monitor it. Wireshark has been for prolonged time and it is now being used by thousands of security professionals to examine networks and troubleshoot for obstacle and intrusions.

#6 Burp Suite

Burp Suite is network vulnerability scanner particularly with some advanced features. There are two commonly used applications with this tool which comprises ‘Burp Suite Spider’ which can list and map out the different pages and parameters of website by inspecting cookies. It is important tool if you are working within cyber security.

#7 THC Hydra

THC Hydra is generally marked as password cracker. It is extremely popular password cracker and consist of operative and highly experienced development team. Basically, THC Hydra is quick and stable Network Login Hacking Tool.It supports numerous network protocols including but not restricted to AFP, Cisco, AAA, Cisco auth, Cisco enable, CVS, Firebird etc.

#8 AirCrack-ng

Aircrack-ng is categorized among WiFi hacking tools. These tools are famous because they are very effective when used rightly. Those persons who are new to Wireless Specific Hacking program, it certain keys cracking and hacking tools which can recover keys when sufficient data packets have been apprehended in monitor mode.

#9 John The Ripper

John The Ripper is the popular password cracking pentesting tools that is particularly used to execute dictionary attacks. John The Ripper has been awarded for having good name. It is often referred as “John”. This tool can also be used to carry out different modifications to dictionary attacks.

#10 Putty

Basically, Putty is not a hacking tool but it very beneficial tool for a hacker. It serves as a client for Ssh and Telney, which can help to remotely connect computers. It is also used to carry SSH tunneling to bypass firewalls.


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