Sunday, 30 August 2015

Grey Elephants in Denmark - Number Trick

.Pick a number between 1 & 10..Multiply by 9.*.If the result is a two digit number, add the two digits together.*.Subtract 5 from the resulting number.*.Beginning with the letter A as 1, count over in the Alphabet that many letters (I usually will count a few out loud " A is 1, B is 2, C is 3.")*. Now think of a Country that beginswith your letter (Only big Baseball fans, or Cigar smokers will get the Dominican Republic, the rest will get Denmark)*.Take the second letter in your county and think of a Circus Animal that begins with that letter.*.Wait a couple of seconds and say"There are no Elephants in Denmark!"Explanation:The result of step 3 (adding together the digits of a multiple of nine) will always yield"9", so subtracting 5 yields 4, which in turn forces the letter "D"

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