Thursday 10 September 2015

How To Check Who Has Read Your Message In WhatsApp Groups

hacker-myaim-green.jpgIn What’s app group chat is really a fun, chat with all your friends at once, but it becomes very difficult to determine who has read your message ,for individual message the blue ticks and double ticks make it very easy and simple...Here is the method to view Reads for group chat...What’s app is one of the most popular messaging service with over 500 Million active monthly users and 700 Million Photos,100 Million videos shared every day....How to view Message Reads on group :-To view the message reads on a group just open a group...Click and hold a single message and tap from top...You will get the status for reads.Now when you know how to determine who has read your message ,You can easily point out which friends have read the message and which once has got it delivered and the remaining once haven’t actually received the message yet...


  1. present sob do not forget to visit my blog

  2. Nice my dear frnd vikas

  3. thnx fr complemnt dear @pratibha,


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